Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So far so...good?

I'm rather proud to report that, twelve days into the school year, I have yet to drive Eli to school while wearing my pajamas.  This is not to say that I would win a beauty contest (or, sadly, be a runner-up for Miss Congeniality...but that's a whole other topic).  I continue to hold my (funky morning) breath all the way, wondering if this will be the morning I have a flat tire and must face the world with Tina Turner hair and pillow creases on my cheeks.
I've been fairly successful so far in being more organized.  I remembered to send lunch money and to join the PTA.  I returned all the various paperwork in a timely fashion.  I even salvaged Box Tops from items in our pantry.  I remembered (ok, just this morning) that Eli's teacher said he could take a water bottle for these hot days.  Eli was sweet enough to inform me that he's been the only student without one.  Sigh.
Eli has made the transition surprisingly well (honestly, I'm shocked).  He gets up in the morning without grumbling and cheerfully completes his homework in the evening (except for a minor incident with cursive, which is the bane of his existence).  We've even breezed through two whole Mondays without a call from the school nurse stating that Eli was complaining of a stomach ache, sore throat, or (insert obscure ailment here).
Ah, but I'm not naive enough to believe these carefree days will last.  I'm fairly certain we shall return to our slacker ways.  Soon I'll be tossing Eli a waffle as we race out the door...him without his backpack and me sporting leopard-print pajama pants.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

There were moments while sitting beside Jason's bed in the hospital that I honestly couldn't imagine his body ever being fully healed.  It seemed as though each new day brought yet another complication.  I remember one afternoon when I silently took inventory of the seemingly insurmountable issues he was facing:
--a ventilator was still breathing completely for him since his lungs were full of blood and fluid
--his kidneys had failed...and dialysis was proving difficult due to a clotting disorder
--he was in a coma after suffering a brain injury when his ventilator tube popped
--there were blood clots throughout both of his legs
--he was experiencing seizures following his brain injury
--he was fighting fevers and infections
Although I knew in my heart that God could heal Jason, I must admit there were times when my overwhelmed mind could not fully grasp this.  The future often seemed terrifying and uncertain.  I wondered if Jason would wake up...if he'd remember me...if he'd need to endure dialysis for the rest of his life...if he'd ever walk again.
Even as these thoughts were running through my mind, God was already working in Jason.  Slowly, Jason started to wake up.  One day after a nurse asked Jason if he knew his wife, my heart soared when his eyes immediately flew to me.  His seizures gradually ceased.  Each infection responded to treatment.  After five months, his kidneys miraculously healed, though doctors had warned us this was a nearly impossible outcome.  When I first brought Jason home, he wasn't able to walk.  He'd walked the parallel bars a few times at the hospital, but was still in a wheelchair.  He gradually worked up to a walker, which was finally retired to the garage. Did he walk again?  Oh, fact, he dances!  (sorry this video is sideways and rather dark...I never claimed to be clever, ha!)
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths in the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.  How precious to me are your thoughts, God!  How vast is the sum of them!  Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand-when I awake I am still with you." (Psalm 139:13-18)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

One Safe Place

One day last week, Jason and I found ourselves driving close to the neighborhood where we used to live.  I made a comment about being so much happier in our new place.  When I asked Jason if he felt the same way, he replied, "My home is wherever you are."  After all that Jason has endured in his life, I hope to be his safe place.  I wasn't able to protect him from so many of the struggles he faced.  Often I was merely a helpless spectator.  I feel blessed that God has entrusted me with Jason's care, and pray that he will always feel content and secure.
"Where thou art, that is home." ~Emily Dickinson

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stop! In The Name Of Love

Jason almost slapped me once.  We'd been having brake problems on our car, so he and Eli spent the day at a repair shop.  When they  picked me up after work, we headed home for the evening.  As we drove along Frederick Avenue, Jason tried to slow down at the bottom of a hill.  I noticed the puzzled look on his face before he quietly informed me that we had no brakes.  When he tried the emergency brake, he discovered the mechanics had failed to reattach the cable.  My reaction was nothing short of a full-blown meltdown.  I knew a four year old boy was in the seat behind us, and several cars and a red light were in front of us.  Somehow at the last minute, there was a break in traffic and Jason turned left onto Noyes Boulevard.  We barely registered the honks from angry motorists who were starting into the intersection.  While I was screaming, Jason was frantically trying to devise a plan.  We were soon approaching another traffic light, more cars, and an unsuspecting man on a bicycle.  As I braced for what seemed an unavoidable impact of some kind, Jason caught a glimpse of an alley on his left.  He turned just before an oncoming car reached us.  After travelling over several bumps and the whole length of the alley, we finally coasted to a stop.  Even though the danger had passed, I was unable to calm down.  Jason later told me he was afraid he was going to have to slap me like he'd seen in movies.  As I reflect on the past eleven years of our marriage, I am thankful God provided me with such a fierce protector.  Jason consistently tried to shield me from life's obstacles.  He worked tirelessly to overcome any struggles we faced.  May God continue to bless our years together.
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." ~Psalm 107:1

My Love

Yesterday I said, "Jason, this is August 3rd...what's tomorrow?"  He grinned and replied, "August 4th?"  Happy Anniversary, dear husband.  Maybe you'll remember this song. :o)