My sister is always the first one to notice when I begin to fray at the edges. The past several months have been especially difficult, and took their toll. I've been finding myself increasingly emotional and not coping well. Yesterday she casually asked if I had plans for today, and informed me that she had a surprise getaway in store for me.
After we'd been on the road for a bit, I realized our secret destination was Jamesport, Missouri. This is a quaint little town surrounded by an Amish community. It was one of my favorite spots to visit when Jason and I were first married, but I hadn't been there for many years. As we drove through the peaceful countryside, I felt my inner turmoil quietly slip away. She had arranged for a private tour given by the owner of a bed and breakfast, who directed us to a country schoolhouse, Amish farms, and fascinating little shops. After our tour, we thoroughly enjoyed a delicious lunch before exploring more stores and bakeries. I was delighted to discover the very same candles Jason used to purchase for me. The scent is aptly called Amish Country Clothesline. This evening before I lit one, I held it under Jason's nose. He immediately said, "Jamesport".
I imagine my sister's arms are growing weary from holding me up all these years. She effuses a contagious joy that never fails to calm me. She advises, coaxes, insists, and cajoles as only an older sister can. I would truly be a mess without her.
"Good deeds have echoes." ~Amish proverb