Monday, May 11, 2015


After I graduated from college, I found myself uncertain of my next venture. I wasn't sure how to apply my studies of the Old Testament or the Greek language to a profession. I ended up moving back to the quiet South Dakota countryside. I've previously referred to the years that followed as my flailing period. Even though I was employed during this time, I lacked any concrete ambition or direction.
This all changed in the summer of 1997. Mom and I traveled the roads to Missouri, our anticipation growing with each passing mile. I sat clutching a stuffed Curious George monkey, which was the start of many gifts for my nephew Conrad. I still remember racing down the hospital hallway to greet him for the first time.
I soon began making weekend road trips to Missouri since I missed his tiny face. I no longer had doubts about where I wished to reside, so filled out job applications whenever I visited. I was delighted when I was finally able to make Missouri my home.
I am entirely grateful that I had a front-row seat over the years to watch Conrad grow up. I sat beside him on church pews, trying to keep him quiet and entertained. I sat on the grass while he patiently waited for fish to bite his line. I sat as he won awards for correctly moving his bishops and pawns on a chessboard.  I sat proudly as he led hymns on Sunday mornings.  I sat on a lawn chair as he trotted horses to win ribbons. I sat nervously on a hospital chair, waiting for a surgeon to remove his appendix.  I sat on bleachers and clapped as he made free throws. And, on Saturday, I sat with teary eyes as the tassel on his graduation cap was moved to the other side.