My dad's feet are not especially beautiful. In fact, when my siblings and I were born, my mom checked to see if we'd been "blessed" with his toes. But, his feet have made a tremendous impact on so many.
These feet carried a young boy through the fields with his brother to hunt squirrels and rabbits. They swung beneath a school desk as he first discovered his love for math. They bounded into the kitchen for his mom's coconut orange cake. His feet hustled so he might open the car door for a certain lovely brunette. They strolled college campuses as he grew in knowledge and love for his God. These feet seemed to float on air as he marched down the aisle with his beautiful bride. They paced hospital halls as four children entered the world. They've planted themselves behind pulpits and under church pews. His feet have ambled behind lawn mowers, snow blowers, and tillers. They've daily chosen to walk in the light, on the straight and narrow, by faith and not by sight, and humbly with his God. They hiked city streets so he could deliver mail in snow, rain, heat, and gloom of night. They wandered through rows of sweet corn, peas, and squash in his bountiful garden. His feet have roamed the beaches of Cancun, the sidewalks of Venice, and the roads of Australia. They prop up in a recliner and occasionally sport socks that don't match the shirt. They continue to push themselves an extra block around the neighborhood even when energy dwindles. And...yesterday, his feet strode across an airport and onto a plane so I could finally get one of his comforting hugs.
(This is a repost from a blog entry written in 2013)
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" (Isaiah 52:7)