Saturday, August 10, 2013

Truly Wonderful

For the past few months, we've been grappling with various choices regarding school for Eli.  Although he has relentlessly pleaded with me to homeschool him, I just don't feel as though it's the right fit for our family. He has been consistently apprehensive about attending public middle school.  During his sixth grade year, Eli had a chance to tour the middle school.  He said it seemed intimidating on the outside, and claustrophobic on the inside.  He has spent the past year worrying about various aspects of attending a new and larger school.  
As summer approached, I began researching the limited alternatives available.  I quickly surmised that quietly slipping a private school tuition into our budget was simply not possible.  As we were running out of options, my sister mentioned a small Christian school that I hadn't remembered to include on my list.  
I spoke with the school, and was extremely pleased with what I learned. After sending in an application, Eli and I attended an interview a few weeks ago.  I was immensely relieved to hear that they would work with us on the monthly tuition.  I will be able to work off part of his tuition at the school, by cleaning or volunteering.  Eli was elated to learn that school is Monday through Thursday, and doesn't start until the day after Labor Day.  The students each have their own cubicles, and work at their own pace.  If Eli finishes his work early for the day, he earns privilege time. He can use this time to work on computers, or interact with other students. They will have chapel, and memorize a Bible chapter each month.  The school has a basketball team, and actually play against my nephew's homeschool team. As Eli absorbed each new piece of information, I saw him slowly exhale the breath he's been holding all summer.  On our ride home, the relief was rolling off him in waves.  We were both talking at the same time, exclaiming over finding the perfect answer.  Once again, God supplied exactly what we needed.
"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is." -Yoda