Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Marvelous Are Thy Works

Last night as I watched Jason carefully folding towels at my behest, I marveled again at how far he's come. Next month will mark eight years since life took a dramatic turn for our family.  The years have brought much healing and mending, for all of us.  During the first few years after his brain injury, Jason was extremely quiet.  He rarely initiated conversation, and was often not engaged in life around him.
One morning last week was especially hectic.  I was going to a cleaning job after dropping Eli at school. Before heading to school, we were meeting my brother-in-law so Jason could go home with him. My sister was going to take Jason to dialysis while I was at work.  After we were all showered and ready, I was scrambling to take out the trash and pack lunches.  Eli told me later that Jason had quietly instructed him, "Let's make this as easy on your mom as we can.  We both have places we don't want to go, but she has to go somewhere, too."  Tears filled my eyes as Eli relayed this. Over the years, I've often prayed that Jason would be able to participate in parenting again.  Sunday morning found me trying to get a grouchy teenager out of bed for Bible class.  After many attempts, I finally said that Keith and Caden would miss him in class. Jason overheard this, and told me, "You need to throw a girl's name in there if you want him to get up."  In moments like these, I am overcome with gratitude for all that's been restored to us.
Jason continues to go to dialysis three times each week  He still feels well most of the time, but has been staying in bed longer on recent mornings. This could simply be a reluctance to venture from his warm blankets.  His transplant coordinator is unable to see how high he is currently on the transplant list.  She told me she'd let me know when she starts seeing him in the top ten or fifteen.  When I last contacted her, she indicated that they haven't been receiving many kidneys lately.  We trust in God's timing, and will be ready when the call comes.

"...marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knows right well." (Psalm 139:14b)

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