Friday, August 16, 2013

The In-Between

Still we wait.  I emailed Jason's transplant coordinator the day he received clearance from cardiology.  I was quite elated as I wrote the message since this had been the last major obstacle before he could be listed. She replied simply, "Yes, received the report yesterday, will review his chart this afternoon."  While brief, at least her message implied action and moving forward.  That was almost a month ago.  I reminded myself that she has numerous patients and responsibilities, so tried to wait for more information.
I managed to wait until last week to contact her again.  She answered that they were in the midst of moving to a new clinic, a couple floors down in the hospital, so hadn't been able to proceed.  She added that she should know more on Monday.  When I didn't hear from her on Monday, I decided to call and talk with her. She told me they are still in the process of trying to update patient records because of the move.  She assured me they would schedule Jason for another appointment at some point.
I truly understand there is a procedure involved, and delays are inevitable. I also know these months may make a real difference for Jason later on.  I know the realities of life on dialysis, and the risks involved.  We have been chasing after the possibility of transplant for nearly a year.  It is especially difficult to sit quietly and wait, knowing he is strong and healthy right now.
Meanwhile, Jason is thriving as he waits.  He has been feeling increasingly energized and perky.  His new favorite phrase this week is, "I'm bored!"  He is no longer content to sit on the couch and watch soap operas.  We have been happily incorporating more activities into his day. After I cleaned a house for five hours yesterday, I returned home to a restless husband who repeatedly informed me that he wanted to go somewhere.  I was attempting to make dinner, so suggested he go for a stroll with Eli. He'd put on his shoes, and was halfway out the door before I realized he was actually going.
Recently, a dear friend remarked how difficult life is in the in-between.  She has been dwelling there for several months herself, for different reasons.  It seems so many of my loved ones find themselves in between as well. In between cancer scans.  In between employment.  In between chemo treatments.  In between relationships.  In between stability and chaos. Thankfully, hope continues to reside in the in-between.  Joy and peace are frequent guests.
"In your presence there is fullness of joy." (Psalm 16:11)

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes. All tucked in. You bring the chick flick and we can wait together. I am glad hope is with us!
